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- Investment Management
- Nokia | S60v3 | S60v5
Fitness Manager merupakan program management yang cukup powerful bagi anda yang memiliki usaha di bidang kebugaran, seperti : Gym, Fitness, Aerobic, Yoga dan Club kesehatan lainnya termasuk sanggar tari.
Dengan adanya bantuan dari program ini, anda dapat melakukan dan mengelola usaha anda lebih professional untuk kenyamanan member anda termasuk karyawan anda, seperti : Daftar dan profile anggota, Jadwal kelas anggota, Daftar gaji karyawan, Berbagai laporan lainnya, Jadwal tugas karyawan dan lain sebagainya. Program ini juga memiliki fitur multi user yang dapat digunakan melalui jaringan LAN.
Fitness Manager is a software for complete management of gyms, fitness, aerobic and health clubs including dance schools and all kind of sport clubs. This software is flexibile and designed to be easy to use. It supports work on multiple computers LAN.
Program helps you to track your work in a fitness club: member arrivals, create various fitness classes and offers, track employees, create salary lists, get various reports by months, days, hour, etc. If you wish to make your daily work easier and to leave a good impression on your customer, Fitness manager might be the right choice for you.
• Expences tracking.
• Barcode scanner support.
• Track working hours of your employees.
• Send email to all members who have a debt.
• Send email to members from fitness manager.
• Import prepared member list from Excel or CSV file.
• Each report data can be exported to excel or pdf files.
• Network mode supported (e.g. reception and back office).
• Track payments, history of visits by days and arrival times.
• Check which members are present in the club at any moment.
• Create employee groups (trainer, receptionis, etc.) for salary calculation.
• Send email to all members whose packages will expire on selected date.
• Create different member discount groups (regular members, VIP, Firm, etc).
• Pause packages during vacations, holidays or some other reasonable absence.
• Use your webcam to take member photos or attach member pictures taken by camera.
• Members can have more than one active package at a time (Fitness, Sauna, Massage, ...)
• Create various fitness packages such as aerobic, step aerobic, pilates, massage, sauna etc.
• Bulk pausing or unpausing packages on holidays using members with active packages module.
• Language editor provides easy translation into any language or changing program labels to fit your needs better.
• Partial payments possible. Clients can pay for a service or a package in several payments. You can check their debt any time.
• Create fitness packages with various time limits in days, weeks, months or even period of a day or limits by number of visits.
• Automatic check-in module. You can use barcode scanner od RFID cards or enter member IDs via keyboard. Set alarm sounds and colors.
• Multilanguage support: English, German, Czech, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian. You can also translate FM yourself to fit your needs with our language editor.
• Two modes for member check-out: 1) preventing member check-in if previous visit is not closed 2) automatic member check-out on new member check-in.
• Reservations module for activity schedulling and booking. It enables you to easily accept appointments from your clients and see which resources and workers are used for any day.
• Measurements module which enable personal trainers to track their clients improvement. You can track various parameters (Neck, Chest, Weist Hips, Forearms, Upperarms, Thighs, Calfs).
• Various usefull reports such as payment reports, members visits by days and months, new members by days and months, members visits by days and hours, members age and gender summary, members birthdays etc.
Windows 7 | 8 | 10 | 11
All version : 32 - 64 Bit
Size : 18 MB
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