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DFX Audio Enhancer merupakan mini program yang cukup powerful dan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengoptimalkan kwalitas audio computer anda. Jenis output audio juga dapat anda sesuaikan dalam mode speaker atau headphone, memiliki beberapa skin pilihan, ter-integrasi dengan pemutar music populer seperti : Windows Media Player, Winamp, Media Monkey, BS Player, Foobar, dan lain sebagainya.
DFX Audio Enhancer audio plugin for better sound media players and Windows in general. The sound quality is significantly improved by improving the frequency characteristics, and what is this plugin. With DFX Audio Enhancer eliminated two major drawbacks a cut of high frequencies and the lack of stereo separation and depth, and added surround modes and super bass. With this tool, you will receive the highest quality sound and can hear the music of such purity, as if you were sitting in a concert hall or next to a musician.
DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, Windows Media, Internet radio and other music files. DFX dramatically improves the sound quality of your favorite media players with 3D Surround, higher fidelity, booming bass and more, providing exceptional playback quality on your PC.
The latest version includes a new explore feature which provides you with quick access to music videos, song lyrics, similar artists, and more. DFX enhances the sound of all the best media players. Simply turn on DFX and be immersed in HD quality sound. That's it. With its standard settings you'll immediately be amazed at the added clarity and punch that your media player now provides. However, fine tuning your audio settings is also an easy option.
DFX has an intuitive interface with tooltips to guide you, along with a complete list of finely tuned presets for all kinds of music. You can even create and save your own custom preset. You can also change the look of DFX by choosing from the many available DFX skins in the online skins library, or creating your own skin.
• Finely tuned music presets.
• Presets backup and restore.
• Easy to use and customizable.
• Stylish, shapely skins updated.
• 5.1/7.1 Surround sound support.
• Powerful audio processing modes.
• Dynamic sound spectrum analyzer.
• Preset song associations improved.
• Speakers and Headphones Optimization
• Efficient performance using minimal CPU.
• Space saving mini mode interface updated.
• Advanced DSP Sound Quality Enhancement.
• Explore artist videos, bio, news, lyrics, similar artists new.
• Compatible with many players and media formats improved.
• Dynamic audio boost. Pump up the volume.
• Booming hyperBass. Produce deeper, richer bass.
• Spectrum analyzer. "See" DFX enhance your sound.
• Stereo ambience. Renew lost stereo depth and body.
• 3D surround sound. Immerse yourself inside the music.
• High fidelity restoration. Eliminate that "muffled" sound.
• Preset to song association. Get the perfect sound for each song you play.
• Headphones optimization. Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones.
• Multiple processing modes. Optimize sound quality for music, speech and other audio types.
• Customizable audio presets. Select from many factory tuned settings or create your own.
Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10
All version : 32 - 64 Bit
Size : 4 MB
How to download on SkyDrive Click here
DOWNLOAD DFX Audio Enhancer
DOWNLOAD Activator
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