- Android
- Computer | Accessories Management
- Computer | Accounting
- Computer | Analysis and Statistical
- Computer | Anti Virus
- Computer | Archive Manager
- Computer | Asset Management
- Computer | Audio Editor
- Computer | Audio Enhancer
- Computer | Audio Tools
- Computer | Audio Video Converter
- Computer | Banking
- Computer | Barcode
- Computer | Billing
- Computer | Book Design
- Computer | Bootable Tools
- Computer | Broadcasting
- Computer | Burning Tools
- Computer | Calendar Design
- Computer | Camera
- Computer | Card Design
- Computer | Chemical and Engineering
- Computer | Clinics and Laboratories
- Computer | Construction
- Computer | CorelDraw | Vector
- Computer | Correspondence
- Computer | Cover Design
- Computer | Cracking Tutorials
- Computer | Customer Management
- Computer | Desktop
- Computer | Download Manager
- Computer | Education Tools
- Computer | Employee Management
- Computer | Emulator
- Computer | Epson Resetter Tools
- Computer | Font Premium
- Computer | Food and Beverage Recipes
- Computer | Game | Action
- Computer | Game | House
- Computer | Graphic Card
- Computer | Graphics Design
- Computer | Gym Management
- Computer | Hacking
- Computer | Home Design
- Computer | Hotel Management
- Computer | Icon Editor
- Computer | Image Editor
- Computer | Info
- Computer | Installer Tools
- Computer | Internet Billing
- Computer | Internet Tools
- Computer | Inventory Management
- Computer | Invoice Management
- Computer | Keygen
- Computer | Library
- Computer | Logo Design
- Computer | Mac OS | Anti Virus
- Computer | Map Indonesia
- Computer | Media Player
- Computer | Miscellaneous
- Computer | Mobile Service Tools
- Computer | Money Changer
- Computer | Office Tools
- Computer | Online Store Management
- Computer | Optical Management
- Computer | Payroll
- Computer | Personal Finance
- Computer | Personal Management
- Computer | Pet Management
- Computer | Pharmacy Management
- Computer | Photo Editor
- Computer | Poster Design
- Computer | Presentation
- Computer | Printing
- Computer | Programming
- Computer | Real Estate Management
- Computer | Recovery Tools
- Computer | Rental Management
- Computer | Restaurant Management
- Computer | Restaurant Point of Sale
- Computer | Retail Point of Sale
- Computer | Salon and Spa Management
- Computer | Scanner
- Computer | Scanner Tools
- Computer | Scoring
- Computer | Screen Recorder
- Computer | Screen Saver
- Computer | Security
- Computer | Sewing Tools
- Computer | SMS
- Computer | Software Absensi
- Computer | Software Akuntansi
- Computer | Software Antrian
- Computer | Software Apotek
- Computer | Software Bell Sekolah
- Computer | Software Bengkel
- Computer | Software Birokrasi
- Computer | Software Cetak Kartu
- Computer | Software Distributor
- Computer | Software Gereja
- Computer | Software Hotel
- Computer | Software Jemaah Haji
- Computer | Software Karaoke
- Computer | Software Katering
- Computer | Software Kesehatan
- Computer | Software Keuangan Keluarga
- Computer | Software Klinik
- Computer | Software Koperasi
- Computer | Software Kursus
- Computer | Software Kwitansi
- Computer | Software Laboratorium
- Computer | Software Laundry
- Computer | Software LJK
- Computer | Software Parkir
- Computer | Software Penggajian
- Computer | Software Penjualan
- Computer | Software Perpustakaan
- Computer | Software Protection
- Computer | Software Proyek
- Computer | Software Rental
- Computer | Software Restaurant
- Computer | Software Rumah Kost
- Computer | Software Salon
- Computer | Software Sekolah
- Computer | Software Server Pulsa
- Computer | Software Service Center
- Computer | Software Shooting Video
- Computer | Software Showroom
- Computer | Software SMS
- Computer | Software SPBU
- Computer | Software Tabungan
- Computer | Software Toko Computer
- Computer | Software Toko Elektronik
- Computer | Software Toko Emas
- Computer | Software Toko Optik
- Computer | Software Toko Pakaian
- Computer | Software Toko Ponsel
- Computer | Software Undian
- Computer | Software Valuta Asing
- Computer | Song | MP3
- Computer | Tailor Management
- Computer | Tax and E-Filing
- Computer | Ticket Design
- Computer | Translator
- Computer | Travel Management
- Computer | Tweaking Tools
- Computer | Uninstaller Tools
- Computer | Vehicle Management
- Computer | Video Editor
- Computer | Web Design
- Computer | Wedding Management
- Investment Management
- Nokia | S60v3 | S60v5
Camtasia Studio merupakan program yang cukup populer di kalangan pengguna computer untuk merekam aktivitas Desktop dalam betuk video. Selain dari fungsi utamanya, program ini juga menyematkan tool video editor yang berfungsi sebagai penambahan text, audio, animasi, clip art, dan lain sebagainya. Kwalitas project video yang anda buat nantinya tidak perlu di ragukan lagi, karena telah tersedia pilihan resolusi yang dapat anda sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
Sudah banyak Blogger lainnya yang melakukan posting untuk software yang satu ini, namun sangat di sayangkan, metode aktivasi yang di berikan kurang efektif jika di gunakan dalam status online alias license akan hilang. Ada juga yang menyarankan harus edit file "Host" sana sini yang sangat merepotkan. Metode Aktivator yang saya berikan di sini merupakan hasil karya saya sendiri dan pastinya aman di gunakan dalam status online dan tidak perlu melakukan edit file "Host" sana sini.
Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future.
Easily record your screen, PowerPoint, multiple audio tracks, and webcam video to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations without ever leaving your desk. With the power of interactive Camtasia Studio videos, you can deliver high quality content anytime, to even your most remote audience.
Camtasia Studio helps you keep pace in a mobile world by making it easy to publish videos and MP3 files for iPod and other portable media players. Now your marketing message, screencast, lecture, or just in time training video can reach your audience practically anywhere on the bus, in a coffee shop, or while they’re jogging. Camtasia Studio videos are simply designed to share.
• Intelligent capture controls that adapt to you.
• Professional content without a ton of production time.
• Precise editing and butter smooth onscreen movement.
• Easy, versatile video sharing with TechSmith ExpressShow.
• Crystal clear playback at any size with Camtasia SmartFocus.
With the smartest screen recording tools on the planet, Camtasia Studio makes everything from training videos to PowerPoint presentations to lectures look better, reach more people, and pack more punch. Which makes you look even smarter, too.
• Edit and enhance your video with callouts, titles, credits, zooming, panning, quizzes and additional audio tracks. Camtasia Studio's extensive editing options are at your fingertips.
• Easily create training, demonstrations, presentations, online courses the possibilities are endless. Connect with your audience by including screen recordings, audio, voice narration, power point, picture in picture and webcam video.
• Publish in flash, quicktime and a variety of video formats, then share on the web, CD or DVD. You can use the production wizard to assist you in choosing the best format and settings for sharing with your audience, or you can have complete control over audio and video codecs and quality, frame rate, color depth, and inclusion or exclusion of special effects.
Windows 7 SP1 | 8 | 10
64-Bit versions only.
CPU : 2.0 GHz with dual core processor minimum.
Recommended : Quad core i5 processor or better.
RAM : 4 GB minimum (Recommended : 8 GB or more).
Hard Disk : 2 GB free space for program installation.
Screen Resolution : 1024 x 768 or greater.
Microsoft .NET 4.6.0 or later version.
Dedicated Windows compatible sound card, microphone, and speakers.
Size : 477 MB
How to download on SkyDrive Click here
DOWNLOAD Camtasia Studio x64
DOWNLOAD Activator
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